pic1.Left = pic2.Left
pic1.Top = pic2.Top
pic2.Left = a
pic2.Top = b
End Function
Private Function empty_do(pic1 As PictureBox, pic2 As PictureBox)
Dim a, b As Integer
If (pic1.Left = pic2.Left) Then
If (pic1.Top - pic2.Top = 1500 Or pic1.Top - pic2.Top = -1500) Then
Call jiaohuan(pic1, pic2)
b = 1
End If
ElseIf (pic1.Top = pic2.Top) Then
If (pic1.Left - pic2.Left = 1500 Or pic1.Left - pic2.Left = -1500) Then
Call jiaohuan(pic1, pic2)
b = 1
End If
End If
If (start = 1 And b = 1) Then
a = 0
While (a < 9 And Picture1(a).Left / 1500 = Int(a / 3) And Picture1(a).Top / 1500 = a Mod 3)
a = a + 1
If (a = 9) Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
MsgBox "恭喜你取得成功!请再接再厉!", , "祝贺"
start = 0
Command1(0).Caption = "开始游戏"
End If
End If
End Function