If ftr.FeatureID = szdno(i) Then
Map1.Layers(1).Selection.Add ftr
End If
Next i
For Each ftr In
tem1 = False: tem2 = False
For i = 1 To szdcount
For j = 1 To nNode
If LineNode(1, ftr.FeatureID) = NoNode(j) Then
bj1 = j
Exit For
End If
Next j
If bj1 = szdno(i) Then
tem1 = True
End If
For k = 1 To nNode
If LineNode(2, ftr.FeatureID) = NoNode(k) Then
bj2 = k
Exit For
End If
Next k
If bj2 = szdno(i) Then
tem2 = True
End If
If tem1 = True And tem2 = True Then
Map1.Layers(linelayerindex).Selection.Add ftr