Xt = Xtmp: Yt = Ytmp
For i = 1 To 4 - Count '计算前面的相反方向
ExitFor = True
Xt = Xtmp + i * XInt: Yt = Ytmp + i * YInt
If Xt < 1 Or Xt > 15 Or Yt < 1 Or Yt > 15 Then RB = True: Exit For
If PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = Flag Then PieceNum = PieceNum + 1
If PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = IIf(Flag = 1, 2, 1) Then RB = True: Exit For
If PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = 0 Then
Xt = Xt + XInt: Yt = Yt + YInt
If Xt < 1 Or Xt > 15 Or Yt < 1 Or Yt > 15 Then RB = False: Exit For
If PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = 0 Then RB = False: Exit For
If PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = Flag Then EmptyNum = EmptyNum + 1
If PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = IIf(Flag = 1, 2, 1) Then RB = False: Exit For
End If
ExitFor = False
Next i
If ExitFor = False Then
Xt = Xt + XInt: Yt = Yt + YInt
If Xt < 1 Or Xt > 15 Or Yt < 1 Or Yt > 15 Then
RB = True
ElseIf PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = 0 Then RB = False
ElseIf PieceTar(Xt, Yt) = IIf(Flag = 2, 1, 2) Then RB = True
End If
End If
LBlock(ArrNum) = LB: RBlock(ArrNum) = RB: Value = IIf(EmptyNum = 0, 5 ^ PieceNum, 5 ^ PieceNum - 5 ^ EmptyNum)
EmptyNumE(ArrNum) = EmptyNum
ScoreE(ArrNum) = IIf(RB, IIf(LB, 1, Value / 2), IIf(LB, Value / 2, Value))
JudgeLineNum = PieceNum '返回最大共线子数
End Function
Public Function DoGen(ByRef PieceTar() As Integer, ByVal Xt%, ByVal Yt%, ByVal Flag As Byte) '棋局综合情况评估函数
PieceNum(1) = JudgeLineNum(Piece, Xt, Yt, 1, 0, 1, Flag)
PieceNum(2) = JudgeLineNum(Piece, Xt, Yt, 1, 1, 2, Flag)
PieceNum(3) = JudgeLineNum(Piece, Xt, Yt, 0, 1, 3, Flag)
PieceNum(4) = JudgeLineNum(Piece, Xt, Yt, -1, 1, 4, Flag)
Call ArraySort(ScoreE, PieceNum, EmptyNumE, LBlock, RBlock)
If (LBlock(1) = False And RBlock(1) = False) And (LBlock(2) = False And LBlock(2) = False) And PieceNum(1) = 4 And PieceNum(2) = 4 Then _
DoGen = FFDL: Exit Function '如果双活四则返回双活四得分