Private Sub mOwnEdit_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If LockKey Then '若已锁定上下键,则使光标回到原位
fOwnEdit.SelStart = LockStart
LockKey = False '解除锁定
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mOwnEdit_LostFocus()
If bListting Then fBox.GoBack '若文本框失去焦点,隐藏
End Sub
Private Sub mOwnEdit_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _
Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Not bListting Then Exit Sub
If fOwnEdit.SelStart < lEnd Or fOwnEdit.SelStart > lThis Then fBox.GoBack
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
iNum = 0
fBox.List1(0).Visible = False
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public lThisList As ListBox '当前列表框
Private Declare Function GetCaretPos Lib "user32" _
(lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Type POINTAPI 'GetCaretPos和ClientToScreen要用到此结构
x As Long
y As Long
End Type
Dim mPoint As POINTAPI
Public Sub ReceiStr(sListStr As String)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lThisList.ListCount - 1
If Left(Replace(lThisList.List(i), sListStr, "$"), 1) = "$" Then
lThisList.ListIndex = i '加亮对应列表项
Exit Sub
End If
lThisList.ListIndex = -1 '未找到
End Sub
Public Sub PopOut(sKey As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
If Not lThisList Is Nothing Then _
lThisList.Visible = False '隐藏上次弹出的列表框
Set lThisList = Keys.Item(sKey) '设置本次列表框
With lThisList
.Move -10, -10, 2000, 1500 '设置列表框大小
Set Me.Font = .Font '由 fBox 窗体获得字符高度
If Me.TextHeight(.List(0)) * .ListCount < .Height - 30 Then
.Height = Me.TextHeight(.List(0)) * .ListCount + 30
End If
Width = .Width + (Width - ScaleWidth) - 30
Height = .Height + (Height - ScaleHeight) - 30
.Visible = True
End With
GetCaretPos mPoint '取得光标在文本框中的位置
ClientToScreen fOwnEdit.hwnd, mPoint '转换成屏幕位置
Set Me.Font = fOwnEdit.Font '由 fBox 窗体获得字符高度
x = mPoint.x * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
y = mPoint.y * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY + TextHeight(sKey)
If x + Me.Width > Screen.Width Then x = x - Me.Width
If y + Me.Height > Screen.Height Then y = y - Me.Height - Me.TextHeight(sKey)
Me.Move x, y
Show 0, fOwnForm '浮动显示于外部程序窗体
fOwnForm.SetFocus '设回焦点
End Sub
Public Sub GoBack()
lThisList.ListIndex = -1
bListting = False
lEnd = 0
lThisList.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub List1_Click(Index As Integer)
fOwnForm.SetFocus '设回焦点
End Sub
Private Sub List1_DblClick(Index As Integer)
SendKeys " "
End Sub
Private Sub List1_Scroll(Index As Integer)
fOwnForm.SetFocus '设回焦点
End Sub
选菜单File\New Project\Stand EXE 新建一个标准EXE工程,并在工程管理器上用鼠标右键单击此工程,在弹出的菜单中选“Set as start up”,将它设为启动工程。在默认的窗体Form1上加入一个TextBox控件,设置其属性值如表中所示。
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = ""
Text1.Font.Bold = True
Text1.Font.Size = 20
With AutoList1
Set .OwnForm = Me '控件将浮动于此窗体上
Set .OwnEdit = Text1 '控件输入到此文本框
.Visible = False '控件不显示
.AddSeparator " "
.AddSeparator "."
.AddSeparator "="
.AddKey "as"
.AddKey "form1"
.AddList "as", "screen"
.AddList "as", "computer"
.AddList "as", "keyboard"
.AddList "as", "memory"
.AddList "as", "form1"
.AddList "as", "internet"
.AddList "as", "longyuanxian"
.AddList "form1", "autoredraw"
.AddList "form1", "appearance"
.AddList "form1", "drawmode"
.AddList "form1", "zhangqiufeng"
.AddList "form1", "as"
.AddList "form1", "control"
.AddList "form1", "text1"
.AddList "form1", "yuecaowei"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
On Error Resume Next
Text1.Move 0, 0, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight
End Sub
好哪!忙了这么久,看一下自己的成果吧!按下F5键运行,键入“form1”,再键入“.”(或 其它分隔符、回车符)。哇!关键字“form1”对应的列表框弹出来了!再键入“a”,列表项“appearance”变亮了,键入“s”,“as”项立即变亮了(如图所示),试着按上下方向键,亮条便在列表项间移动了,键入空格(或键入任意分隔符),加亮的列表项马上跳出到当前光标处(鼠标双击列表项也可达到此效果)。不光您键入字符时AutoList控件会自动匹配,当您向回删除时它也会自动匹配。例如:您敲“form1”、空格,此时列表框弹出,继续敲入“appce”, AutoList找不到匹配项,没有列表项被加亮,此时按退格键,当删完字母“c” 字母时,“appearance”立即被加亮显示!怎么样?很“酷”吧。总之此控件具有较完善、实用的功能,并且使用起来也很简单。
控件所在窗体 |
控件名称 |
属性名称 |
设置值 |
fBox |
List1 |
Index |
0 |
Sorted |
True |
Appearance |
0-Flat |
Form1 |
Text1 |
Multiline |
True |
ScrollBars |
3-Both |
AutoList 控件运行时的外观