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摘 要 本文介绍了在Word中使用“宏”技术实现对成绩登记表的自动计算,实现各种格式要求的方法。

关键字 宏,VBA,成绩登记表,计算







                                     1  成绩登记部分

2 成绩分布及总成绩构成比例



1.    根据课程性质,输入学生成绩。可以输入分数、也可以输入等第;

2.    根据课程性质,计算学生期末总成绩。如果是考试课程,期末成绩为分数,如果是考查,则期末成绩是等级;

3.    对于各项不及格成绩,成绩上加方框;考试课程期末成绩小于45分,总成绩即为期末成绩,不再考虑其他成绩;并加上阴影;

4.    统计成绩分布;

5.    程序应放宽输入要求,对输入数据进行必要的检查,即程序应具有一定的健壮性,操作方便。


设计方案是在基本不改变原来成绩登记表原有模板的基础上,利用Word提供的 “宏”,使用VBA,设计相应的程序,完成上述5项功能。


使用Word “视图”菜单中的“工具栏”子菜单,自定义成绩统计工具栏并生成“成绩统计”和“帮助”2个按钮,在“工具”菜单中的“宏”子菜单中确定2个按钮对应的2个宏名,即宏的过程名。本例中宏名分别为calculatehelp,并确定将宏保存在本文档中。这样每次打开成绩登记表,该工具栏自行打开(如图3所示)。

3 自定义成绩统计工具栏









                              4  处理以后的考试课程成绩表

5  处理以后的考查课程成绩表

                                                   6 成绩分布



Private Sub calculate()

  Dim number_of_stu As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer

  Dim student_id As String

  Dim fraction As Single

  exam_or_check = ThisDocument.OptionButton1.Value

  proportion(1) = Val(ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(33, 2).Range.Text)

  proportion(2) = Val(ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(33, 4).Range.Text)

  proportion(3) = Val(ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(33, 6).Range.Text)

  If proportion(1) + proportion(2) + proportion(3) <> 100 Then

    MsgBox "平时成绩:实验成绩:期末成绩三项之和不等于100", vbOKOnly, message_title

    Exit Sub

  End If

  number_of_stu = 0

  For i = 1 To 7: grade_proportion(1, i) = 0: grade_proportion(2, i) = 0: Next      '成绩分布初始化

  For i = 1 To 25

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 4).Range.Font.Size = 9    '设置字号

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 5).Range.Font.Size = 9

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 6).Range.Font.Size = 9

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 7).Range.Font.Size = 9

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 4).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter 


    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 5).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 6).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 7).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

    student_id = Trim(ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 2).Range.Text)     '取学号

    If Len(student_id) > 2 Then      '计算成绩表左侧成绩

      number_of_stu = number_of_stu + 1

      Call Score_Statistic(i, 4)

    End If

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 11).Range.Font.Size = 9

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 12).Range.Font.Size = 9

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 13).Range.Font.Size = 9

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 14).Range.Font.Size = 9

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 11).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 12).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 13).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 14).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter

    student_id = Trim(ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(i + 1, 9).Range.Text)     '取学号

    If Len(student_id) > 2 Then     '计算成绩表右侧成绩

      number_of_stu = number_of_stu + 1

      Call Score_Statistic(i, 11)

    End If

  Next i

  If number_of_stu = 0 Then MsgBox "没有学生成绩数据", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, message_title: Exit Sub


  fraction = 100

  For i = 1 To 7

  If grade_proportion(1, i) > 0# Then

  grade_proportion(2, i) = Round(grade_proportion(1, i) / number_of_stu * 100, 1)

  If i < 7 Then fraction = fraction - grade_proportion(2, i): j = i   '考试课程卷面成绩<45



    grade_proportion(2, i) = 0

    End If



  If Abs(fraction) >= 0.05 Then grade_proportion(2, j) = Round(grade_proportion(2, j) + fraction, 1)

  For i = 1 To 7

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(31, i + 1).Range.Text = grade_proportion(1, i)

    ThisDocument.Tables(1).Cell(32, i + 1).Range.Text = grade_proportion(2, i)


  MsgBox "成绩登记完毕,请检查", vbOKOnly, message_title

End Sub



Private Sub Score_Statistic(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer)

Dim grade(3) As Single, total As Single

With ThisDocument.Tables.Item(1)


If Len(Trim(.Cell(row + 1, column + 2).Range.Text)) = 2 Then    '缺考

    .Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Text = "缺考"

    grade(1) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column).Range.Text)        '平时成绩

    grade(2) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column + 1).Range.Text)     '实验成绩

    grade(3) = -1

    total = -1                                                     

  Else                                                       '不缺考

    grade(1) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column).Range.Text)        '平时成绩

    grade(2) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column + 1).Range.Text)     '实验成绩

    grade(3) = Convert_Int(.Cell(row + 1, column + 2).Range.Text)   '期末成绩


    If exam_or_check Then                                   '考试

      total = IIf(grade(3) < 45, grade(3), Round((grade(1) * proportion(1) + grade(2) * proportion(2) + grade(3) * proportion(3)) / 100, 0))

      .Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Text = total

    Else                                                    '考查

      total = Round((grade(1) * proportion(1) + grade(2) * proportion(2) + grade(3) * proportion(3)) / 100, 0)

      .Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Text = IIf(total >= 90, "", IIf(total >= 80, "", IIf(total >= 70, "", IIf(total >= 60, "及格", IIf(total >= 0, "不及格", "")))))

    End If

  End If


  .Cell(row + 1, column).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(grade(1) >= 0 And grade(1) < 60, True, False)

  .Cell(row + 1, column + 1).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(grade(2) >= 0 And grade(2) < 60, True, False)

  .Cell(row + 1, column + 2).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(grade(3) >= 0 And grade(3) < 60, True, False)

  .Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Font.Borders.Enable = IIf(total >= 0 And total < 60, True, False)


  If exam_or_check Then

    .Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = IIf(grade(3) >= 0 And grade(3) < 45, wdColorGray20, wdColorWhite)


    .Cell(row + 1, column + 3).Range.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorWhite

  End If


  Select Case total

    Case Is >= 90                                           '优秀

      grade_proportion(1, 1) = grade_proportion(1, 1) + 1

    Case Is >= 80                                           '良好

      grade_proportion(1, 2) = grade_proportion(1, 2) + 1

    Case Is >= 70                                           '中等

      grade_proportion(1, 3) = grade_proportion(1, 3) + 1

    Case Is >= 60                                           '及格

      grade_proportion(1, 4) = grade_proportion(1, 4) + 1

    Case Is >= 0                                            '不及格

      grade_proportion(1, 5) = grade_proportion(1, 5) + 1

    Case Else                                               '缺考

      grade_proportion(1, 6) = grade_proportion(1, 6) + 1

  End Select


  If exam_or_check Then

    If grade(3) >= 0 And grade(3) < 45 Then

      grade_proportion(1, 7) = grade_proportion(1, 7) + 1

    End If

  End If

  End With

End Sub



Private Function Convert_Int(ByRef Txt As String) As Integer

  Dim Score As String * 1

  If Asc(Txt) > 0 Then                        '数字

    Convert_Int = Val(Txt)


    Score = Txt

    Convert_Int = IIf(Score = "", 95, IIf(Score = "", 85, IIf(Score = "", 75, IIf(Score = "", 65, 55))))

  End If

End Function



Option Base 1

Option Explicit

Dim exam_or_check As Boolean

Dim grade_proportion(2, 7) As Single

Dim proportion(3) As Integer

Private Const Message_Title = "江苏技术师范学院学生成绩登记系统"




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