本文阐释如何生成 RTF 格式 (RTF) 文件与 ASP 脚本, 然后传输这些文件到 MicrosoftWord。 此方法提供替代到服务器端自动化是 Microsoft Word 用于运行时文档生成。
要生成 Word 文档以 ASP 服务器端缺点有:
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性能 MicrosoftWord 是进程外自动化服务器 ; 进程外调用花费较长时间来执行。 |
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伸缩性存为 " 自动化服务器, MicrosoftWord 具有大量开销因为为了可 reap Word 的丰富对象模型的优点必须加载 Winword.exe 文件。 |
通过从头也不使用 Word 对象模型, 生成文档您可使 ASP 应用程序更可伸缩而且还提高性能。 方法用于示例, 演示如何使用 FileSystemObject 可以在 MicrosoftWord 中创建 RTF 文件可以解释浏览客户上。
首示例说明如何使用 ASP 来创建 RTF 文档包含页眉和页脚、 包含表, 并用于文本整个文档使用不同字体样式和颜色。 第一个示例使用 ADO 来从示例 Northwind 数据库以创建一个 90 plus - - 页文档访问数据。
第二个示例演示如何创建 RTF 文档类似与 Word 邮件合并。 结果文档包含页眉和页脚、 各种段落格式和分页, 和使用不同字体样式和类型整个文档。 此示例还使用 ADO 来访问数据从 Northwind 数据库以创建一个 170 plus - - 页文档。
注意 : RTF 格式 (RTF) 规范是公用规范以生成 RTF - 兼容文本文件。 您对以下 Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web 站点上规范作为资源使用文档以帮助您构建自己的 RTF 文件。 但是, 规范提供 " 作为是, 并且是不 supportted 由 Microsoft 技术支持 - " 有关最新版本的 RTF 规范, 请访问以下 MSDNWeb 站点:
Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification 1.6 http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnrtfspec/html/rtfspec.asp (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnrtfspec/html/rtfspec.asp)
ASP 示例 1
下列 ASP: 说明创建包含报表的计算数字 90 plus - - 页 RTF 文档。
注意 : 变量 sConn 此代码示例中包含路径到 Northwind 数据库。 确认是否适合您的 Office 安装提供路径。 您还需要提供对以便可以创建该文档包含 ASP 文件夹的 写入 访问。 此访问应该限于 WindowsNT 域, 下特定个人但是能应用于 Everyone 用于匿名访问。
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Dim sRTF, sFileName, sConn sConn = "c:\program files\microsoft office\office\samples\northwind.mdb" Response.Buffer = True 'Create the file for the RTF Dim fso, MyFile Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sFileName = "sample1.doc" Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath(".") & "\" & _ sFileName, True) MyFile.WriteLine("{\rtf1") 'Write the color table (for use in background and foreground colors) sRTF = "{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;" & _ "\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;" & _ "\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;" & _ "\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;}" MyFile.WriteLine(sRTF) 'Write the title and author for the document properties MyFile.WriteLine("{\info{\title Sample RTF Document}" & _ "{\author Microsoft Developer Support}}") 'Write the page header and footer MyFile.WriteLine("{\header\pard\qc{\fs50 " & _ "ASP-Generated RTF\par}{\fs18\chdate\par}\par\par}") MyFile.WriteLine("{\footer\pard\qc\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp100" & _ "\fs18 Page " & _ "{\field{\*\fldinst PAGE}{\fldrslt 1}} of " & _ "{\field{\*\fldinst NUMPAGES}{\fldrslt 1}} \par}") 'Write a sentence in the first paragraph of the document MyFile.WriteLine("\par\fs24\cf2 This is a sample \b RTF \b0 " & _ "document created with ASP.\cf0") 'Connect to the database in read-only mode Dim conn, rs Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Mode = 1 'adModeRead=1 conn.Open sConn 'Execute a query that returns ID, Product name and amount of sale Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open "SELECT [Order Details].OrderID AS ID, " & _ "Products.ProductName AS Name, " & _ "[Order Details].[UnitPrice]*[Quantity] AS Amount " & _ "FROM Products INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON " & _ "Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID " & _ "ORDER BY [Order Details].OrderID", conn, 3 'adOpenStatic = 3 MyFile.WriteLine("{") 'Start table MyFile.WriteLine("\par\par\fs24") 'Write the table header row (appears at top of table on each page) sRTF = "\trowd\trhdr\trgaph30\trleft0\trrh262" & _ "\cellx2000\cellx7000\cellx9000" & _ "\pard\intbl\qc\b\i\ul Order ID \ul0\i0\b0\par\cell" & _ "\pard\intbl\ql\b\i\ul Product \ul0\i0\b0\par\cell" & _ "\pard\intbl\qr\ul\b\i Amount \ul0\i0\b0\par\cell" & _ "\pard\intbl\row" MyFile.WriteLine(sRTF) dim LastID dim CurID dim CurTotal dim bFirstRow bFirstRow=true do while not (rs.eof) if LastID<>rs("ID").Value and not(bFirstRow) Then 'Starting on a row for a different id, so add the last total and 'then a blank row sRTF = "\trowd\trgaph30\trleft0\trrh262" & _ "\cellx2000\cellx7000\clbrdrb\brdrdb\cellx9000" & _ "\pard\intbl\cell\pard\intbl\cell\pard\intbl\qr\b " & _ FormatCurrency(CurTotal, 0, False, False, True) & _ "\b0\cell\pard\intbl\row" & _ "\trowd\trgaph30\trleft0\trrh262" & _ "\cellx2000\cellx7000\cellx9000" & _ "\pard\intbl\cell\pard\intbl\cell\pard\intbl\cell" & _ "\pard\intbl\row" MyFile.WriteLine(sRTF) CurID = rs("ID").Value CurTotal = 0 elseif bFirstRow then CurID = rs("ID").Value else CurID = "" end if 'Add a new row with the ID, the Product name and the amount 'Note: Amounts over 1000 are formatted with red. sRTF = "\trowd\trgaph30\trleft0\trrh262" & _ "\cellx2000\cellx7000\cellx9000" & _ "\pard\intbl\qc " & CurID & "\cell" & _ "\pard\intbl\ql " & rs("Name").Value & "\cell" If rs("Amount").Value >1000 Then sRTF = sRTF & "\pard\intbl\qr\cf6 " & _ FormatNumber(rs("Amount").Value, 0, False, False, True) & _ "\cf0\cell\pard\intbl\row" else sRTF = sRTF & "\pard\intbl\qr " & _ FormatNumber(rs("Amount").Value, 0, False, False, True) & _ "\cell\pard\intbl\row" end if MyFile.WriteLine(sRTF) LastID = rs("ID").Value CurTotal = CurTotal + rs("Amount").Value rs.MoveNext bFirstRow=false loop MyFile.WriteLine("}") 'End Table 'Add a page break and then a new paragraph MyFile.WriteLine("\par \page") MyFile.WriteLine("\pard\fs18\cf2\qc " & _ "This sample provided by Microsoft Developer Support.") 'Close the recordset and database rs.Close conn.Close Set rs = Nothing Set conn = Nothing 'close the RTF string and file MyFile.WriteLine("}") MyFile.Close Response.Write _ "<META HTTP-EQUIV=""REFRESH"" Content=""0;URL=" & sFileName & """>" %>
ASP 示例 2
下列 ASP 演示模拟对 Word 邮件合并或套用信函。 从 ADO 记录中记录生成 170 plus - - 页文档中每页。
注意 : 变量 sConn 此代码示例中包含路径到 Northwind 数据库。 确认是否适合您的 Office 安装提供路径。 您还需要提供对因此文档可以创建包含 ASP 文件夹的 写入 访问。 此访问应该限于 NT 域, 下特定个人但是能应用于 Everyone 用于匿名访问。
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Dim sRTF, sConn sConn = "c:\program files\microsoft office\office\samples\northwind.mdb" Response.Buffer = True 'Create the file for the RTF Dim fso, MyFile, sFileName Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") sFileName = "sample2.doc" Set MyFile = fso.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath(".") & "\" & _ sFileName, True) MyFile.WriteLine("{\rtf1") 'Write the font table sRTF = "{\fonttbl {\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}" & _ "{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}" & _ "{\f2\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}}" MyFile.WriteLine sRTF 'Write the title and author for the document properties MyFile.WriteLine("{\info{\title Sample RTF Document}" & _ "{\author Microsoft Developer Support}}") 'Write the document header and footer MyFile.WriteLine("{\header\pard\qc\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp100" & _ "{\fs50 Northwind Traders} \par}") MyFile.WriteLine("{\footer\pard\qc\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp100" & _ "{\fs18 Questions?\par Call (111)-222-3333, " & _ " Monday-Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm} \par}") 'Connect to the database in read-only mode Dim conn, rs Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Mode = 1 'adModeRead=1 conn.Open sConn 'Execute a query that returns ID, Product name and amount of sale Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open "SELECT Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.ShipVia, " & _ "Orders.OrderDate, Orders.OrderID, " & _ "Customers.ContactName FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON " & _ "Customers.CustomerID = " & _ "Orders.CustomerID WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) Between " & _ "#1/1/1998# And #3/31/98#))",conn,3 'adOpenStatic = 3 Do While Not (rs.eof) 'Write the "body" of the form letter MyFile.WriteLine "\fs26\f1" 'Default font MyFile.WriteLine "\pard" MyFile.WriteLine "\par\par\par\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\par RE: Order #" & rs.Fields("OrderID").Value MyFile.WriteLine "\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\par " & rs.Fields("ContactName").Value & ", " MyFile.WriteLine "\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\par Thank you for your order on " & _ rs.Fields("ShippedDate").Value & _ ". Your order has been shipped: " MyFile.WriteLine "\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\pard \li720 {\f2" MyFile.WriteLine "\par \b Order Number \b0 \tab " & _ rs.Fields("OrderID").Value MyFile.WriteLine "\par \b Shipped By \b0 \tab " & _ rs.Fields("ShipVia").Value MyFile.WriteLine "\par \b Shipped On \b0 \tab " & _ rs.Fields("ShippedDate").Value MyFile.WriteLine "\par}" MyFile.WriteLine "\pard" MyFile.WriteLine "\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\par Northwind Traders is committed to " & _ "bringing you products of the " & _ "highest quality from all over the world. If " & _ "at any time you are not completely satisfied " & _ "with any of our products, you may " & _ "return them to us for a full refund." MyFile.WriteLine "\par" MyFile.WriteLine "\pard {\fs18 \qc \i" MyFile.WriteLine "\par Thank you for choosing Northwind Traders!" MyFile.WriteLine "\par}" rs.MoveNext 'Add a page break and then a new paragraph If Not(rs.eof) Then MyFile.WriteLine("\pard \page") Loop 'Close the recordset and database rs.Close conn.Close Set rs = Nothing Set conn = Nothing 'close the RTF string and file MyFile.WriteLine("}") MyFile.Close Response.Write _ "<META HTTP-EQUIV=""REFRESH"" Content=""0;URL=" & sFileName & """>" %>
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Microsoft Office Word 2003 |
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Microsoft Word 2000 Standard Edition |
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Microsoft Word 97 Standard Edition |
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Microsoft Active Server Pages 4.0 |
(Alex 转自MSDN)